Baba the Storyteller Professional Development Session, Thursday, January 23rd, 4:00-5:30pm, Heritage Hall @ the Thurston County Fairgrounds BabatheStoryteller has been a global touring artist, educator, and professional presenter for more than 30 years and is one of the few recognized U.S.-born practitioners of the ancient West African Oral Historian’s craft known as Jaliyaa, or Griot Work. He has received numerous awards over the years for his work as a folklorist, musician, storyteller, community activist and volunteer. We are thrilled to share his gift with our students and will be offering a professional development session for adults. Open to our greater community!
Tour of the Specialty Classes Tuesday, January 28th, 11:00am @ OWS Observe the specialty classes taught at OWS. We'll step into strings, handwork, Spanish, middle school math and middle school English Language Arts classes for a few minutes to view the students in in action. We'll then conclude with refreshments and discussion. RSVP here
Alternative School Fair Saturday, February 1st, 10am-12pm @ OWS Visit and collect information from a selection of local alternative school options from the greater Thurston County. Preschool and up will be represented. RSVP here
Open Enrollment for New Families Open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins March 1st! Learn more here.
Notes of Love for OWS Read our love notes! In the spirit of love, and in an effort to increase our internal warmth, read a collection of love notes for our school.